Image of final installation and set-up
Composed of a wooden frame wrapped in embroidered textiles, three tapestry lamps sit near each other. On top of each is a smart textile panel that controls the projected AR environment. Depending on the viewer’s line of sight, a different AR environment be displayed. Each lamp and color stand for a different generational experience.

Detail shots of other "tapestry lamps"

Detail shot of embroidery and AR projection
Inspired by the Japanese myth, Kitsune no Yomeiri (狐の嫁入り), To Indulge a Child draws on traditional visual storytelling. Drawing on the communal phenomena of named generations and japanese folklore it combines textile embroidery and projected AR to narrate these experiences.

Visual hypothesis of layered photograph of Manzanar Block 12 internment garden and print of “Kitsune no Yomeiri” myth
“Kitsune No Yomeiri – the Fox Wedding.” Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, 5 June 2014, https://hyakumonogatari.com/2013/07/19/kitsune-no-yomeiri-the-fox-wedding/.

Sketches of family members

Embroidered drawings on the ZSK
Material and technological processes were drawn from repeated trials and iterations.

Concept sketches of potential lamp forms

Sample of potential forms for image markers (nylon thread and faux leather)

Sample of potential forms for image markers (nylon thread and spacer knit)

Sample of potential forms for image markers (lint encased in thermochromatic silicon)

Development of physical form

Initial AR trials in the software Unity and embroidered textile image markers

Shot of AR triggered by embroidered image marker

Sample of projection mapped 3D rendered flower on embroidered drawing

Projected visualization of image manipulation with Arduino and e-textile sensors

Visual of potential workflow between Blender and Processing

Process image of embroidered textile sensor and projection mappping

Graphic of capacitive touch triggered

Visual of section of TouchDesigner nodes used to connect capacitive touch textile to projection mapping